COVID-19 – Aditional Measures
In light of the recent outbreak of the new coronavirus – Covid-19 – T4W is decided to implement protective and informative policies in order to protect their staff and clients in accordance with the World Health Organization and the Portuguese and Azorean authorities. Please read carefully the information below.
For everyone’s protection, it is recommended to consult and follow the guidelines, statements and preventative measures issued by the General Health Directorate, in accordance with the World Health Organization.
According to Azorean regulations all passengers are required to wear masks and t4w advises you to bring your own masks according to your preference , if you do not have one we will provide it for a extra cost of 3€/mask
In the Azorean islands, travellers who show symptoms suggestive of respiratory disease, during or after the trip, should contact the Azorean Health Service via telephone number (+351) 808 24 60 24.
o access T4W’s internal procedures and protocols, please request them via email geral@t4w.pt